CloudeAssurance Rating Database API

CloudeAssurance Rating Database API is developed as a RESTful web service.
Customers and partners can seamlessly consume the CloudeAssurance Rating Data through this RESTful web service, with a valid Access Token supplied by CloudeAssurance.
Each API user has to register their domain name(s) or IP address(es) with CloudeAssurance to ensure that API requests are only allowed from pre-authorized and trusted domain names or IP addresses.

CloudeAssurance Rating Data are returned in JSON (Javascript Object Notation) format. Users can request the RESTful web service with valid Access Token and search criteria. The RESTful web service contains the methods described below.

1. Get CloudeAssurance Rating Data (GetCeARatingData)

A valid Access Token is required to make every successful request to RESTful API
The method GetCeARatingData will contain four parameters as described below.

Parameter Data Type Optional Description
accessToken String No Valid access token provided by CloudeAssurance
searchFilter String Yes Filter value to search Rating Database. The search pattern can be as follows.
  • string (The passed string will be searched in all string data type columns)
  • string1;string2;string3 (The passed strings will be searched in all string data type columns)
  • string1;date1 (This 'string1' will be searched in all string data type columns and 'date1' will be searched in date type columns (E.g. Assessment Date)). The date search should be in (mm/dd/yyyy) format.
  • ratingdatabasecolumn1:value1;ratingdatabasecolumn2:value2 (This search pattern is used to search in particular columns by knowing the database column names). A RESTful API method GetCeARatingFields will return all the database column names and data types. This method will be explained in the section below.
  • ratingdatabasecolumn1:value1,value2,value3;ratingdatabasecolumn2:value1,value2 (This pattern is used to search multiple values in a single database column).
start Numeric Yes Among the CloudeAssurance Rating Database records, you can specify the starting number of the record.
limit Numeric Yes Among the CloudeAssurance Rating Database records, you can specify the limit for number of records to be fetched from the starting number.

Request formats

The base URL for accessing RESTful web service will be

The RESTful web service request for 'GetCeARatingData' can be made as described below.
2. Get CloudeAssurance Rating Database column details (GetCeARatingFields)

A valid Access Token is required to make every successful request to RESTful API.
The method GetCeARatingFields will contain 1 parameter as described below.

Parameter Data Type Optional Description
accessToken String No Valid access token provided by CloudeAssurance

Request format

The base URL for accessing RESTful web service will be

The RESTful web service request for 'GetCeARatingFields' can be made as described below.
Default CloudeAssurance Rating Database Columns

Column Name Description
serviceProviderName Cloud Service Provider name
cloudServiceName Cloud Service Name
Score Cloud Service Score
benchMarkScore Average Score of Cloud Services
assessmentDate Last Assessment Date
publicNotifiedOn Breach Disclosed Publicly on
organizationLocation Entities Breaches
breachType Type of Breach
potentiallyExposedPII Number of Sensitive Records Exposed
regulatoryImpact Regulatory Impact
mitigatingControlsISO Recommended User Action
classActionLawsuit Recent Class Action Lawsuit

3. Get CloudeAssurance Rating Database record count (GetRatingDatabaseRecordCount)

A valid Access Token is required to make every successful request to RESTful API.
The method GetRatingDatabaseRecordCount will contain 2 parameters as described below.

Parameter Data Type Optional Description
accessToken String No Valid access token provided by CloudeAssurance
searchFilter String Yes Filter value to search Rating Database for record count

Request format

The base URL for accessing RESTful web service will be

The RESTful web service request for 'GetRatingDatabaseRecordCount' can be made as described below.

Code Example

API Request using JQuery Ajax method.
$.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: { accessToken: 'BCD', searchFilter: 'Microsoft', start: '0', limit: '0' }, success: function (data, textStatus, xhr) { alert(data); }, error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(errorThrown); } });

API Request using C#.
using System.Net.Http; using (var client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); var result = client.GetAsync("/api/ratingdatabaseapi/GetCeARatingData?accessToken=u6NAivefabqQsHuWMZhLji+Jmu3HX4WZ&searchFilter=Microsoft&start=0&limit=0").Result; //Or var result = client.GetAsync("/api/ratingdatabaseapi/GetCeARatingData/u6NAivefabqQsHuWMZhLji+Jmu3HX4WZ/Microsoft/0/0").Result; var resultContent = result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; }